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Self-assessment of Adult Education providers

Cedefop Video Award

  24. January 2024.

SELFIE for Work-based Learning

  10. February 2021.

The 14th Lifelong Learning Week

  22. September 2020.

European Skills Index 2020

  14. July 2020.

Self-assessment of adult education institutions is one of the two key elements (along with external evaluation) of ensuring the quality of the adult education system. Although the self-assessment of adult education institutions at the systematic level is still developing in many institutions (e.g. secondary vocational schools), since they implement vocational education programs for adult students, they are included in the self-assessment process as part of self-assessment of vocational education institutions. Like other vocational education institutions, adult education institutions assess the quality of their work through this process with the aim of systematic improvement. These institutions also use the online tool for self-assessment of e-Quality and Self-assessment Manual with guidelines for self-assessment.

Further development of self-assessment of adult education institutions, where all institutions will be included in a systematic way, will be implemented through the ESF project Development of QA System in Adult Education. The starting point for the development of this model will be the self-assessment that is carried out in vocational education institutions that will be implemented in adult education programs. The model will include the selection of quality areas and quality criteria relevant to monitoring and improving quality in adult education. After the development of the self-assessment model, self-assessment tools will be developed (an e-tool for self-assessment of adult education institutions, manuals and tools for self-assessment). The self-assessment model will include support to adult education institutions in the implementation of the self-assessment process, and the piloting of the self-assessment model will be carried out. After the pilot phase, the self-assessment model will be evaluated and the model will be improved as needed.