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Cedefop Video Award

  24. January 2024.

SELFIE for Work-based Learning

  10. February 2021.

The 14th Lifelong Learning Week

  22. September 2020.

European Skills Index 2020

  14. July 2020.


The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) was established by the Act on the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education Act (Official Gazette, No 24/10). The founder of the Agency is the Republic of Croatia, while the rights and duties of the founder are exercised by the ministry competent for educational activities.

The activities of the Agency include the planning, development, organisation, implementation, monitoring and improvement of the system of vocational education and training and adult education.


An accessible and flexible system of vocational and adult education, based on competencies, in the function of fulfilling the needs of each individual and society, the carrier of the economy development and greater employability.


Our mission is to make education the strongest root of personal growth and success.

Strategic goals:

  • to develop qualifications based on competencies and learning results
  • to harmonise permanently education with the labour market needs
  • to create a system of vocational education and training that allows for lifelong learning and mobility
  • to define the role of teachers in the learning outcomes-oriented system
  • to establish the quality assurance system.