The Agency has signed a contract for the implementation of the Excellence, Innovation, and Visibility Support Project for Vocational Education and Training. This is the first direct allocation of funds under the Efficient Human Resources Program 2021-2027 (ESF+), Priority 2.1.1. Priority: P2. Education and Lifelong Learning, Specific Objective Higher quality, inclusiveness, and effectiveness of education and training systems and their relevance to the labor market, including the evaluation of non-formal and informal learning, to support the acquisition of key competencies, including entrepreneurial and digital skills, and to promote the introduction of dual training and apprenticeship systems.
The project is worth EUR 13.499.978,60 and will be implemented until December 2029.
The general objective of the project is to promote the excellence and attractiveness of vocational education through the organization of vocational competitions as a platform for connecting schools and employers, with specific support to the Agency in promoting student skills and competencies through vocational competitions and exhibitions.
Through the project, one of the most successful activities initiated in the previous programming period will continue to be implemented, namely the organization of national competitions for vocational school students WorldSkills Croatia, as well as providing support for the participation of the Croatian delegation in international competitions and events EuroSkills (2025, 2027, 2029) and WorldSkills (2024, 2026, 2028).