The Agency has signed a contract for the realization of the project called Further Implementation of Vocational Education Curriculum Reform, which is the second awarded grant agreement under the Effective Human Resources Program 2021-2027 (ESF+), Priority P2: Education and Lifelong Learning, Specific Objective ESO4.5. (2.e) Higher quality, inclusiveness, and effectiveness of education and training systems and their relevance to the labor market, including the evaluation of non-formal and informal learning to support the acquisition of key competencies, including entrepreneurial and digital skills, and promote the introduction of dual training and apprenticeship systems.
The project is worth EUR 16,999,466.64 and will be implemented until December 2029.
The general objective of the project is to continue the process of vocational education and training reform that is attractive, innovative, relevant, connected to the labor market, and will enable participants to acquire competencies for personal and professional development, as well as continued education and lifelong learning. The specific objective is to provide support to all stakeholders in the vocational education and training system for the introduction, implementation, and revision of curriculum documents.
Through the project, a series of activities aimed at improving and strengthening the competencies of educational staff in vocational high schools will continue (professional meetings, workshops, and major national events such as Vocational Teachers’ Day, Directors’ Conference, etc.). Support will be provided to vocational schools through visits from mobile teams, and continuous information will be provided to professional and wider public through media campaigns, all with the aim of successfully introducing new curriculum documents into the vocational education and training system.