Further Implementation of Vocational Education Curriculum Reform
The Agency has contracted a new ESF+ project Further Implementation of the Vocational Education Curriculum Reform
6. March 2024.
The successful presentation of the new system for evaluating non-formal and informal learning in the Republic of Croatia
6. March 2024.
The project “Further Implementation of Vocational Education Curriculum Reform” is co-financed by the European Social Fund, with the lead organization being the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education. The total project value amounts to 16,999,466.64 EUR, and it will be implemented until December 2029.
The project is financed under the Effective Human Resources Program 2021-2027 (ESF+), Priority P2. Education and Lifelong Learning, Specific Objective ESO4.5. (2.e) Greater quality, inclusiveness, and effectiveness of the education and training system, and their relevance to the labor market, including the validation of non-formal and informal learning to support the acquisition of key competencies, including entrepreneurial and digital skills, and the promotion of the introduction of dual education and apprenticeship systems.
The main goal of the project is to continue the process of reforming vocational education and training to be attractive, innovative, relevant, connected to the labor market, and to enable participants to acquire competencies for personal and professional development, further education, and lifelong learning.
Activities within the project are focused on providing support to all stakeholders in the vocational education and training system for the introduction, implementation, and revision of curriculum documents. To successfully introduce new curriculum documents, a series of activities will be carried out aimed at strengthening the competencies of principals, teachers, and professional associates, including visits by mobile teams to schools to work on the development of the institution’s curriculum, professional training, large national and regional events that will enable the exchange of good practices and networking.
The professional and public will be continuously informed through media campaigns, all with the aim of successfully introducing new curriculum documents into the vocational education and training system.