The Agency has contracted a new ESF+ project Further Implementation of the Vocational Education Curriculum Reform
6. March 2024.
The successful presentation of the new system for evaluating non-formal and informal learning in the Republic of Croatia
6. March 2024.
ReferNet is a network of partner institutions of the European Center for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (Cedefop) ( which provides information on national systems and policies of vocational education and training in EU member states (EU), Iceland and Norway since 2002. Cedefop is a European agency that promotes the development of vocational education and training in the EU and conducts analysis of systems, trends and policies in vocational education for key stakeholders and decision-makers at the European level.
The national partners of the ReferNet network are key organizations in the vocational education and training systems in the countries they represent. ReferNet provides Cedefop with detailed information and analysis for a better interpretation of the legal framework and institutions, ie for monitoring the development and trends in vocational education in each country. ReferNet also conducts in-depth analysis of each country’s progress in achieving the common goals of vocational education policies in Europe. Also, ReferNet prepares thematic analysis of certain areas of national vocational education systems, such as, for example, relations with the labour market, vocational teachers, work-based learning, apprenticeships, mobility, etc.
As a national partner of the ReferNet network, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) has been providing Cedefop with information on the Croatian system and policies of vocational education and training since 2014, and raises the visibility of vocational education in the country and abroad. AVETAE currently acts as a national partner of the ReferNet network under the Framework Partnership Agreement with Cedefop for the period from 2024 to 2027.
More about the network: