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As part of IV. Components of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (PAA), Operational Program Human Resources Development 2008-2013, Department for International Cooperation of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education designed, prepared and successfully implemented 10 projects with a total value of more than EUR 21 million (EUR 21.395,775), of which:

  • 5 projects on the provision of services, whose beneficiary was directly the Agency, with a total value of EUR 7.1 million;
  • 1 framework project, whose beneficiary was directly the Agency, with a total value of EUR 171.555,00;
  • 4 grant projects for vocational schools and adult education institutions, with a total value of EUR 14 million.

List and short summary of IPA projects of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education:

Strengthening the institutional framework for the development of occupational standards, qualifications and curricula

(service contract in the amount of EUR 1.799.965,00 financed from the European Union Program for Croatia, IPA – Component IV – Human Resources Development)

PROJECT DURATION: 24 months (beginning on January 27, 2010)

THE PROJECT WAS IMPLEMENTED BY: Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), GOPA and FontyS, Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education – as a partner in the project.

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: to ensure the improvement of VET, to develop  qualifications in accordance with the needs of the economy and to increase the employability of Croatian citizens.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to strengthen the results achieved within the EU CARDS VET project (2002 and 2003), to harmonize VET with the process of redefining vocational qualifications and competency-based curricula, to facilitate access to examples of good practice


  • 14 profiles of education sectors
  • Methodology for the development of vocational standards of occupations, qualifications and curricula in the Republic of Croatia
  • Manual for planning and development of professional standards of occupations, qualifications and curricula
  • 26 new vocational curricula
  • E-qualification online database

More about the project:

Development of quality assurance systems in vocational education and training
(service contract worth EUR 1.639.750,00 and financed from the European Union Program for Croatia, IPA Component IV – Human Resources Development)

PROJECT DURATION: 24 months (beginning of March 3, 2010)

THE PROJECT WAS IMPLEMENTED BY: WYG International Ltd, Tribal HELM Corporation Ltd, in collabouration with the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education – as a partner in the project.

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: to promote the development and modernisation of the vocational education and training system in Croatia.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to support the development of a unique and systematic approach to the development of quality assurance in vocational education, with emphasis on the implementation of this concept in practice, and to encourage the exchange of quality assurance information between VET providers and the general public.


  • Self-Evaluation Manual for Vocational Education Institutions
  • pilot process of self-evaluation in 24 vocational schools in the Republic of Croatia
  • E-quality online tool
  • Strategic guidelines for quality assurance in VET.

More about the project:

Implementation of new curricula
(contract for the provision of services in the amount of EUR 1.065.500,00 and grant contract in the amount of EUR 4.300.000 financed from the European Union Program for Croatia, IPA Component IV – Human Resources Development)

PROJECT DURATION: 18 months (beginning on April 15, 2010)

THE PROJECT WAS IMPLEMENTED BY: EPRD consortium, European Profiles SA, University of Jyväskylä and Chronos Info., and with the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education – as a partner in the project.

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: to further improve the vocational education and training system in the Republic of Croatia in order to improve its relevance in relation to the labour market.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: encouraging the introduction of new, high-quality curricula and the introduction of a systematic approach to the development of innovative culture in vocational schools in accordance with the needs of the labour market at the local and / or regional level.


  • a systematic approach to the development of innovative culture in vocational schools was introduced in accordance with the needs of the labour market at the local and / or regional level
  • The professional capacities of AVETAE and vocational schools have been developed for the successful preparation and implementation of grant agreements under IPA IV. components Human resources development and future projects to be financed through the European Social Fund (ESF)
  • 18 grant agreements were signed with vocational schools within IV. components

More about the project:

Comprehensive capacity building of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education
(service contract worth EUR 1.200.000,00 financed from the European Union Program for Croatia, IPA Component IV – Human Resources Development)

PROJECT DURATION: 18 months (beginning of June 7, 2010)

THE PROJECT WAS IMPLEMENTED BY: Human Dynamic, in cooperation with Gopa and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education – as a partner in the project

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: strengthening the Croatian system of vocational education and training in providing qualifications and competences needed on the labour market and its harmonization with the ever-changing needs of the economy.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to strengthen the overall institutional and administrative capacity of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education so that it can perform its basic task as a central place for all stakeholders in the system of vocational education and training and adult education.


  • Strengthened the overall institutional and administrative capacity of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education
  • Two rounds of intensive training were held
  • A web portal to support the human resources management of the AVETAE was built

More about the project:

Regional network of local educational institutions
(service contract worth EUR 1.468.750,00 and grant agreement of EUR 3,407,682.34, financed from the European Union Program for Croatia, IPA Component IV – Human Resources Development)

PROJECT DURATION: 22 months (beginning on May 17, 2010)

THE PROJECT WAS IMPLEMENTED BY: EEO Group S.A., in cooperation with PM Group (Ireland), Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Develor and Razbor (Croatia) and with the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education – as a partner in the project.

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: to create conditions for increasing the competitiveness of adult participants in the labour market in order to improve their economic and social status.

PROJECT PURPOSE: to improve key and other competences of adult learners through modernisation of existing and development of new short programmes of adult education institutions, which will enable them to participate more actively in the labour market, and encourage regional networking of adult education institutions to exchange and expand programs and improve cooperation between adult education institutions and relevant partners to meet the needs of adult learners.


  • conducted research “Methods of analysis of educational needs for economic development: Summary and results for the Republic of Croatia”
  • “Guide to adult education institutions – from idea to public document” developed
  • brochure “How to teach adults successfully”
  • 20 contracts (58 institutions and their partners) on grants were concluded

More about the project:

Labour market needs research

 Framework contract worth EUR 199.000,00 and funded by the European Union Program for Croatia, IPA Component IV – Human Resources Development)

PROJECT DURATION: 6 months (beginning of April 2, 2012)

THE PROJECT WAS IMPLEMENTED BY: A: R: S. Progetti S.P.A. with the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education – as a partner in the project

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: to ensure the continuation of the improvement of the vocational education and training system in the Republic of Croatia and a better connection of initial and further vocational education with the labour market.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to provide support to the AVETAE in the development and planning of methods to enable the smooth flow of data from the economy, necessary to match the supply of vocational education with the demand in the labour market. Improve the skills of AVETAE staff working to align the vocational education system with the labour market.

More information about the project can be found at the links:

Leaflet about the project_eng

Modernisation of school curricula in vocational schools in accordance with the changing needs of the labour market / economy

PROJECT OBJECTIVE: intensified introduction of modern and innovative contents/characteristics in the teaching process in vocational schools, within the existing system of vocational education and training, in accordance with the Law on Vocational Education and the Law on Education in Primary and Secondary School, in order to ensure their relevance / adaptability in the labour market, increased capacity to provide modern school practical training and meet the needs of the knowledge-based economy.

PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: to support vocational schools in developing a bottom-up approach so that they can provide their students with up-to-date competences and access to the latest technologies, thus raising their relevance in the labour market; to encourage vocational schools to develop and apply new and modern scientific, technical and innovative achievements in the provision of education.

The grant priorities were as follows:

  • develop and apply new innovative features in the provision of education in vocational schools in close cooperation with the social partners at the regional / local level;
  • increase the capacity (human, material, spatial, etc.) of vocational schools to provide modern practical teaching;
  • increase the ability of vocational teachers to introduce modern, student-centered approaches to teaching;
  • improve other aspects of vocational schools related to the curriculum by working in accordance with the quality assurance mechanisms established at national / EU level;

Projects have contributed to meeting at least one and / or more of the following indicators:

  • the number of vocational schools that apply new features in vocational school curricula through extracurricular and other educational activities and programs and projects within school curricula;
  • number of vocational schools equipped with modern premises and / or equipment necessary to provide modern and advanced school practical classes;
  • the number of teaching aids needed for the introduction of modern, student-centered approaches to teaching and the implementation of modern and advanced school practical teaching;
  • the number of teachers of vocational subjects and practical classes who have completed professional training related to the introduction of modern, student-centered approaches to teaching and conducting modern and advanced practical classes.

A total of 30 grant agreements were awarded for projects lasting up to 12 months.

Strengthening the capacity of adult education institutions

 The general objective of the Call was to strengthen the adult education sector with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of adult learners in the labour market, while the specific objectives are aimed at supporting and comprehensively strengthening the capacity of adult education institutions in cooperation with local stakeholders.

As part of this grant award, applicants and / or their partners can develop a specific type of adult education program. These are post-secondary new and / or adapted adult education programmes that lead to the acquisition of additional competences compared to the previously acquired ones, but are not part of higher education. These programmes were piloted as part of this adult education institution grant award.

Acquisition of additional competences will enable adult trainees to continue their training and thus increase their employability.

A total of 21 grant agreements were awarded for projects lasting up to 12 months.