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International Cooperation

The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is very active in the field of international cooperation and implementation of international projects. Through this work, the Agency provides connection mechanisms and achieves active cooperation with international educational institutions of the same profile, in order to improve and raise the quality of the national system of vocational education and adult education.

Our activities are related to:

  • participation in working bodies, networks and initiatives of the European Union as representatives of the Republic of Croatia;
  • cooperation with European and international institutions;
  • bilateral cooperation.

We are very active in the field of bilateral and European international cooperation. Through the Copenhagen process, the European Union emphasised vocational education as one of the main factors of economic development and social inclusion in the EU, and the vast majority of European policies and activities are dedicated to vocational education. In recent years, common strategies and instruments in the field of vocational education have been developed at the European level, and the Agency actively participates in their development, implementation and monitoring.

In addition, we cooperate with numerous international institutions in the field of vocational education. Cooperation with the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) is particularly active. The Agency is also the national reference center in the Republic of Croatia for the International Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC).