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Vocational education and training

Cedefop Video Award

  24. January 2024.

SELFIE for Work-based Learning

  10. February 2021.

The 14th Lifelong Learning Week

  22. September 2020.

European Skills Index 2020

  14. July 2020.

The education system in the Republic of Croatia consists of:

  • pre-school education
  • primary (including lower secondary) education
  • (upper) secondary education
  • higher education.

High schools (secondary education), depending on the type of curriculum they implement, are:

  1. Grammar schools (general or specialized) lasting for four years.
  2. Vocational schools, lasting from one to usually three or four years, exceptionally five, upon the completion of which the students acquire a qualification of a certain level, scope, profile and quality which is proven by a public document whose content and form are prescribed by the ministry responsible for education.
  3. Art schools (music, dance, art and other, determined by the type of curriculum) lasting a minimum of 4 years.

The existing system of vocational education covers 66.9% of the total secondary school population, i.e. 96,018 students in 300 schools.

The system of regular vocational education for acquiring low and intermediate level qualifications, according to educational programs, consists of:

  • one-year and two-year programs of lower education in 8 educational programs. The number of students attending these programs is 159, which is 0.17% of the total number of vocational education students, or 0.1 % of the total secondary school population.
  • three-year programs for occupations in industry and crafts in 139 educational programs. They are attended by 26,995 students, which is 28.1% of the total number of vocational education students, or 18.8% of the total secondary school population.
  • four-year technical programs and similar orientations in 83 educational programs. They are attended by 63,442 students, which is 66.1% of the total number of vocational education students, or 44.1% of the total secondary school population.*

Scheme of the education system in the Republic of Croatia:

*Source: Ministry of Science and Education,