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Changes to the Regulations and recommendations for organising and implementing VET student’s competition in the academic year 2020/2021

  Published: 9. February 2021.

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Changes to the Regulations and recommendations for organising and implementing VET student’s competition in the academic year 2020/2021


Addendum I. List of disciplines in the academic year 2020/2021 changes:

– In the educational sector Textile and Leather, the discipline Designing fashion accessories will become a team effort and will be linked to the following education programmes (EP) / curricula: EP Shoemaker, EP Haberdasher, new VET curriculum Molder of shoes and leather haberdashery.

The details are available on the following link: Izmjene Pravila i uputa za organizaciju i provedbu natjecanja učenika strukovnih škola u šk. godini 2020./2021.