UNESCO has published a new Medium-Term Strategy for the period 2021 – 2023 (MTS-III), the goal of which is to explain the way in which UNESCO-UNEVOC intends to support TVET (technical and vocational education and training) institutions, so they would adjust to the latest labour market dynamics. The focus of the Medium-Term Strategy is also spreading awareness on the skills necessary for the sustainable labour in the future, as well as developing TVET expert capacities.
MTS-III also deals with implementing changes in institution programmes, facilitating knowledge transfer and peer learning within the UNEVOC network.
The strategy can be accessed here:
Agency for VET and Adult Education has been the UNEVOC Centre (National Body) since 2007, as the national reference point for the Republic of Croatia. Some of the Agency’s missions are informing the public of technical and vocational education and training, promoting equity of access in TVET and developing skills and entrepreneurship.