Once more, you are invited to join European Vocational Skills Week 2020! The Week’s national reference point for Croatia is Agency for VET and Adult Education.
The annual event European Vocational Skills Week, which takes place between March and December and during which local and national organisations present the best practices in VET, will be marked with a central event held in Berlin, from 9 November to 13 November 2020. Since VET is offering skills crucial for a fulfilling private and professional life, there will be a number of smaller related events taking place all over Europe.
After five years, this tradition has grown into a platform for practice sharing for stakeholders from all over Europe and beyond. At the moment, there are 222 European Vocational Skills Week 2020 partner events held in 27 countries, with over 628 000 participants.
There are three ways in which you can spread the message of the importance of VET for private and professional life.
Register an event
If you are organising an event, or an activity to promote VET, you can simply register it on the official European Vocational Skills Week website, with which it will gain necessary publicity on Social media, newsletters and videos. During registration, you will be given promotional materials and tools needed for advertising the event / activity online.
Organising online events, such as webinars, digital media campaigns, online job fairs, is encouraged.
Share your experience
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to share the ways VET improved individual lives and lives of the community. Find the inspiration in the stories posted on the European Vocational Skills Week website, some of which come from Croatia.
Apply for the Award for Excellence
The Awards for Excellence are a wonderful opportunity to present your organisation or further promote your passion and devotion to VET. The award acknowledges devoted persons, organisations and extraordinary projects and honours their work. This year, if possible (depending on the award category), a bonus will be awarded to the projects/activities in accordance with one of the European Commission priorities for 2019—2024: European Green Deal or A Europe Fit for Digital Age. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, a special award will be presented to those who have creatively implemented online education and e-learning for VET students.
We remind you that, as a part of European Vocational Skills Week 2020, The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) is organising #CedefopPhotoAward: your green or digital skills story. You can submit your application by 15 September 2020. Last year’s competition was a success for The School of Economics and Tourism Daruvar!