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Further Development of a Quality Assurance System in Adult Education and Raising Awareness on the Importance of Lifelong Learning

The project “Further Development of the Quality Assurance System in Adult Education and Raising Awareness of the Importance of Lifelong Learning” is co-financed by the European Social Fund, with the Croatian Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education as the lead organization. The total project value amounts to EUR 10,469,060.56, and it will be implemented until December 2029.

The project is financed under the Efficient Human Resources 2021-2027″ Program (ESF+), Priority P2: Education and Lifelong Learning, Specific Objective ESO4.7.2.g” Promoting lifelong learning, particularly flexible options for upskilling and reskilling for everyone, taking into account entrepreneurial and digital skills, better forecasting of changes and new skills needs based on labor market demands, facilitating job changes, and promoting professional mobility.

The aim of the project is to enhance the quality assurance system by conducting external evaluations of adult education institutions and to promote various lifelong learning opportunities in Croatia, as well as to strengthen the competencies of educational staff in the adult education system. The main activities include further developing the quality assurance system in adult education, strengthening the capacities of experts and other key participants in the adult education system, as well as promoting lifelong learning.

One of the most successful activities from the previous program period will continue through this project, specifically the organization of the national educational campaign “Lifelong Learning Week.” External evaluations of adult education institutions will encourage further development of institutional quality in all aspects of their work (educational programs, learning and teaching, resources, care for learners, cooperation, information dissemination, etc.), fostering institutions’ proactive responsibility for quality assurance and achieving strategic goals. The project will also enhance the capacities of staff in the adult education system through numerous capacity-building activities (International Andragogic Symposium, conferences, workshops, events focused on andragogical themes, advisory visits to institutions, etc.).