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Self-assessment of VET schools

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The activities of the Agency, which are defined by the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education Act (Art. 4, para. 2), the Vocational Education Act (Art. 13) and the Adult Education Act (Art. 23), include participation in evaluation, self-assessment and external evaluation procedures within the system of vocational education and training and adult education, as well as giving instructions on the manner of conducting self-assessment of vocational education institutions as well as the content and manner of drafting the report of the Quality Committee.

Based on the legislative framework, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is involved in the development and improvement of quality assurance systems. It also works on raising awareness of the importance of quality culture, provides continuous support to vocational schools in implementing the self-assessment procedures as well as in encouraging the development of internal quality assurance. Also, the Agency participates in the work of the EQAVET network and it is the Croatian Quality assurance national reference point for VET (QAVET.HR).

As a part of deepening the culture of quality assurance in the vocational education and training system and providing support to vocational schools in the implementation of the self-assessment process, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education has been carrying out the following activities since the implementation of the self-assessment process:

  • continuous advisory support to schools in the implementation of the self-assessment process
  • professional training for school Quality committees
  • monitoring the implementation of the self-assessment process – Self-assessment reports
  • visits to schools and Quality committees for support
  • reporting on the self-assessment process

In vocational education institutions in the Republic of Croatia, the self-assessment process, as part of the quality assurance system, was developed according to the recommendations of The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET (EQAVET), and schools implement it according to the Vocational Education Act.

Schools independently and with full responsibility assess the quality of their own work. Self-assessment is conducted during the school year and schools implement it for the following priority areas: work planning, teaching and learning support, student achievement and learning outcomes, material conditions, human resources and professional development of employees, cooperation within the vocational education institution and cooperation with other stakeholders as well as institution promotion and management. Each priority area is divided into several quality areas that are described by quality criteria. According to the quality criteria, schools assess the level of their success in the implementation of the educational process and plan to improve their work.

The VET institution compiles a report on the conducted self-assessment and, according to the results, plans and implements improvements.. In the process of self-assessment, schools use the online tool for self-assessment e-Quality and the Self-assessment Manual with guidelines for self-assessment. The self-assessment of the school is monitored and evaluated by the Quality Committee appointed by the governing body of the vocational education institution. The Quality Committee has seven members from the ranks of stakeholder representatives, teachers, students and parents.