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VET Teacher In-service Training

Cedefop Video Award

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SELFIE for Work-based Learning

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According to the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education Act (OG 24/10) and the Vocational Education and Training Act (OG 30/09, 24/10, 22/13, 25/18), one of the activities of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is training and professional development of employees in the system of vocational education and training, as well as adult education.

The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education has made a significant step forward in the field of professional development of VET teachers with the Concept of a new model of professional development of teachers of vocational subjects. Professional training is conducted through basic and elective modules covering topics from the scientific field of pedagogy and its related branches – didactics and school pedagogy. In addition, professional development modules cover a wide range of interdisciplinary topics that include psychology of education, methodology, information and communication sciences, counseling, educational management, educational policies, as well as other areas relevant for efficient and high quality educational activities in schools. The concept of the new model was developed within the project “Modernisation of VET teacher training system ” co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The new model enabled a development of an innovative, open and flexible system of professional development of vocational teachers based on researched needs, relevant content, modern methods of implementation, modern IT tools and solutions, with a wide network of experts. Vocational teachers as a target group will be provided with better support and better opportunities for strengthening teacher competencies and thus raise the quality of teaching and student achievement and the capacity to implement reforms in vocational education.

Registration for professional training is done through the EMA system, and more detailed information on current training and those that are still planned is available on the portal