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Promotion of Lifelong Learning

The project “Promotion of Lifelong Learning (PLL)”, with a total value of HRK 11.506.369,61, was funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) within the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020 (OP HRM 2014-2020). The project holder was the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE), and the project was implemented in the period from 2016 to 2019.

Purpose and goals of the project:

The purpose of the project was to respond to the identified problem of insufficient involvement of Croatian citizens in the lifelong learning system, through targeted activities of promoting the importance of lifelong learning and adult education and strengthening the capacity of adult education stakeholders, taking into account the fact that lifelong learning is a national strategic goal.

Based on the above, the goals of the PLL project were defined and set, as follows:

  1. Promotion of the importance and various opportunities for lifelong learning in the Republic of Croatia;
  2. Strengthening the capacity of all stakeholders involved in the adult education system at the national and local levels.

Project activities were organised within eight elements:

  1. Designing a comprehensive and continuous promotion of lifelong learning and adult education in the Republic of Croatia;
  2. Implementation of a campaign to promote lifelong learning;
  3. Organisation of Lifelong Learning Week (LLW);
  4. Organisation of the International Andragogy Symposium;
  5. Organisation and implementation of training for employees of AVETAE / MoES;
  6. Development and implementation of a program to strengthen the competences of andragogical workers;
  7. Promotion and visibility;
  8. Project management and administration.


The purpose of the activities within Element 1 was to provide a strategic basis for the promotion of all forms of lifelong learning in the Republic of Croatia and to analyse current practices, study examples in other countries and propose strategies for continuous promotion of lifelong learning for the first time.

As part of this element, a comprehensive survey of adult education in the Republic of Croatia was conducted, based on which the Research Results and the Strategic Framework for the Promotion of Lifelong Learning 2017-2020 were prepared and printed: four grand openings of the LLW, four LLW Fairs, presentation of the Results of the research Adult Education in the Republic of Croatia 2017 and the Strategic Framework for the Promotion of Lifelong Learning in the Republic of Croatia 2017-2020; two conferences with topics Who needs adult education? and Quality Management in Adult Education, 75 regional events, two regional conferences, presentation of the achieved project results and presentation of project activities. A network of eight regional coordinators has also been established, with the aim of decentralizing activities related to learning and education, ie with the aim of involving all regions and counties of the Republic of Croatia in project activities. Within the project, four national educational campaigns Lifelong Learning Week were held, during which numerous free events (workshops, lectures, round tables, seminars, etc.) were organised throughout the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with regional coordinators and adult education institutions, (listed as follows: 2016. – 700 events; 2017.- 722 events; 2018.- 898 events; 2019.- 747 events). Tens of thousands of citizens took part in these events. Informing citizens about how they can become part of the lifelong learning process and motivating them to take this step is the backbone of every Lifelong Learning Week, and every campaign was strongly covered by the media. The activities of the campaign were accompanied with promotional materials and brochures on the results of the campaign.

Furthermore, a total of four International Andragogy Symposiums were held as part of the project, which enabled all adult education professionals to get acquainted with the latest trends in andragogy and current events in adult education policies at national and European level, as well as with the examples of good practice and experiences throughout Europe. Each of the Symposiums brought together more than 200 participants.

With the aim of improving professionalization and encouraging the exchange of knowledge among teachers working in adult education, eight cycles of andragogical workshops were conducted with the participation of a total of 259 participants, ie representatives of adult education institutions. The trainings were conducted through the Curriculum globALE program, which included five thematic basic modules lasting eighteen working days, ie 336 hours, and covered the following topics: Access to adult education; Planning, organization and evaluation in adult education; Adult learning and teaching; Communication and group dynamics in adult education and Methods of adult education.

Website of the project: